We are a team of professionals that are passionate about providing your child a fun learning environment to grow their skills.
Kim Moore, BCBA, Clinical Supervisor
As our team BCBA, Kim oversees our Senior Therapists and individualized clinical programming. She has dedicated her career to the field of education and autism research where her passion is to make a change for children and their families. Kim is the Director of Clinical Development at Aspire Academy.
Click here to learn more about Kim!
Tessa Perry, Owner, Senior Therapist
Tessa currently holds a Bachelor's degree in Applied Behaviour Analysis specializing in Autism. Tessa's goals continue to focus on providing a well-connected and compassionate team support for children. Her treatment approach includes play-based methods and positive teaching strategies in ABA sessions in hopes to make a difference in children's and their families' lives.
Kris Bissell, BCBA, Clinical Supervisor
As our second team BCBA, Kris oversees our Therapists and individualized clinical programming. With a background working as a classroom teacher and a special education resource teacher, Kris shares her energetic and engaging personality with our team, where she inspires creative learning opportunities for student programming.
Kris is the Clinical Supervisor at Aspire Academy.
Click here to learn more about Kris!
Our Team.
Compassionate, patient and supportive.
Employment Opportunities
We are continuously open to applicants with a strong work ethic and a drive to see others succeed!
If you are interested in a position at ABA Therapy Services please email us your resume and cover letter to tessa@abatherapyservices.ca
Click the link below​